Friday, March 31, 2017


One of the most valuable books I have read is "The Speed of Trust" by Stephen M.R. Covey.  The premise of the book is that when two parties have a high level of Trust, things happen much more quickly and efficiently than they would if that Trust didn't exist.  But how do you develop Trust?

Trust is earned based on two things:  Character and Competence.  Thank you Steve Strifler!

Character is how you conduct yourself - around others and when you are not "in the spotlight".  Character is built by keeping the commitments you make.  By doing the things you say you are going to do.  By telling the truth.  By being transparent.  By showing up - on time!   Character is essentially the image you create of yourself by your actions and the things that you do.

Competence is your ability to do the things you do.  It is the quality of which you perform your responsibilities.   It is the value you bring to the table.  It is your knowledge of your craft and the skill level that you perform your work.  Competence is how good  you are at doing what you do.

If you have one or the other, but not both, you can't establish true Trust.  You can have the utmost integrity and character, but not be very good at what you do.  This will always leave doubt in your ability and capability.  You can be the best at what you do, but if your character is lacking, there will always be question about your motive and integrity.

So how do you build true Trust?
  • Be Great at what you do.  
  • Continually Sharpen the Saw
  • Adapt, Transform and Re-invent
  • Be Honest
  • Be Transparent
  • Do the Right Thing

It seems simple, but it is easy to drift off-course.  Stay True, Stay Focused, and Be Trustworthy!